Calling for Empathy
Hank calls for empathy!
On behalf of our veterans who use hearing aids, Hank calls for empathy!
Imagine having served, selflessly, in our armed forces for 2 to 40 years of your life - protecting our freedoms. You may have seen combat and been exposed to terrifyingly loud cannons, gun blasts, and other weapons systems, roars of a fighter jets, jet engines, vehicles, other aircraft, watercraft -- and loud industrial-type activities.
Now add some of the physical limitations Dirk describes below, senior issues Hazel talks about below and challenging ear canals Valerie talks about. Can you imagine?
Now add visual impairment so it’s harder to see, too.
These conditions limit the amount of time you’d have to insert your hearing aids before you become anxious and frustrated.
It’s a bit more difficult than it would be for a young person, isn’t it?
Gruv Button Technology™ makes hearing aids so much easier to insert for veterans because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain better access to and control over the receiver. You’re better able to manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it into their ear canal.
Please sign our petition for Hank.
Groups Who Support Our Veterans, like Hank
Please consider supporting them.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
“DAV empowers veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. It is dedicated to a single purpose: fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served.
DAV, a non-profit organization with more than 1 million members, was founded in 1920 and chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1932." Learn more here.
The American Legion
“The American Legion is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.” Please read more about The American Legion.
"What We Believe:
We believe in working together as "One-Unit"; in promoting and supporting all veterans.
Our Mission is clear:
We empower Individuals and Organizations to Design and Implement programs that positively impact the lives of all veterans.
Our Message is Simple:
We establish strong bonds of collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations who have a passion for supporting and empowering veterans and their families." Learn more here.
“Since 1941, the USO has been the nation’s leading organization to serve the men and women in the U.S. military, and their families, throughout their time in uniform. From the moment they join, through their assignments and deployments, and as they transition back to their communities, the USO is always by their side." Learn more here.
Dirk calls for empathy!
On behalf of people with physical limitations who use hearing aids, Dirk calls for empathy!
Imagine having difficulty moving your elbows, shoulders or cannot straighten all of the fingers - or you have arthritis, stiffness, diminished sensation, dexterity issues or tremor. Can you imagine?
Now add visual impairment so it’s harder to see, too.
These conditions limit the amount of time you’d have to insert your hearing aids before you become anxious and frustrated.
It’s a bit more difficult than it would be for a young person, isn’t it?
Gruv Button Technology™ makes hearing aids so much easier to insert for people with physical limitations because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain better access to and control over the receiver. You’re better able to manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it into their ear canal.
Please sign our petition for Dirk.
Groups Who Support People With Physical Limitations,
Like Dirk
Please consider supporting them.
Did you know?
“People with arthritis may experience hearing loss due to the disease or to the drugs used to treat it.” Please read their article.
And: “If you have arthritis, your joints will most likely feel stiff and be hard to move.” “Different types of arthritis affect different joints or in different patterns (both sides of the body or mostly on one side, for example): Fingers, Hands, Wrists, Elbows, Knees, Ankles, Feet, Shoulders, Hips, Jaw, Lower back.” Please read their article.
The American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA)
Did you know?
ADARA is a national association of professionals who network to share best practices in working with individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind. Read more about ADARA.
Hazel calls for empathy!
On behalf of seniors who use hearing aids, Hazel calls for empathy!
Does Hazel remind you of anyone in your family? She’s sharp as a tack but not as strong or coordinated as she used to be. We love her!
She wants to engage with her
family and friends, but she
struggles with physical limitations
and simply cannot control or
manipulate the manufacturer’s
She is FRUSTRATED! She saw this
on Facebook wanted this posted
for the manufacturers to see. ----->
Gruv Button Technology™ makes hearing aids so much easier to insert for
seniors because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves
the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain
better access to and control over the receiver. You’re better able to
manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it
into their ear canal.
Please sign our petition for Hazel.
Groups Who Support Seniors, like Hazel
Please consider supporting them.
Did you know?
“Trouble with gripping, grabbing, pinching and holding things can happen at any age, but “it's around age 60 when we commonly see symptoms of hand-strength loss and loss of dexterity,” says Kia Washington, M.D., associate professor of surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. "Age-related loss of muscle is one culprit, she explains; others include individual levels of wear and tear and certain health conditions.” They offer suggestions on how to hold on to as much strength, dexterity and flexibility as possible. Please read their article.
"The 60 Plus Association is a 25-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal and advocating for seniors. The organization is also committed to saving Social Security and Medicare, affordable prescription drugs, and lowering energy costs, while adhering to less government, less taxes approach and the Constitution." Read more here.
The Seniors Coalition’s advocacy includes any issue that concerns America's senior citizens and is one of the largest grassroots advocacy organizations in Washington, D.C. in terms of number of supporters nationwide. TSC currently has over four million supporters representing every state in the union. Read more here.
"Aging with attitude. Senior Planet, powered by OATS (Older Adults Technology Services),harnesses technology to change the way we age. Our courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends." Read more here.
Valerie calls for empathy!
On behalf of people with challenging ear
canals who use hearing aids, Valerie calls
for empathy!
Please refer to the "Fantasy/Reality" graphic.
Having dispensed hearing aids in thousands
of ears and for many years, Valerie is aware
of REALITY. She knows better than the
manufacturers that, contrary to the
anatomical drawings showing ear canals as
simple and straight, they are often angled,
include bends, and can be obstructed by
cartilage. These features make it much more
difficult to get the manufacturer’s speaker
into the canal sufficiently deep.
She wants other Practitioners and the hearing aid manufacturers to be aware
of the Each Ear Canal Identification Guide™ and how it can help hearing aid
users understand the correct direction in which to aim their receivers.
Gruv Button Technology™ makes hearing aids so much easier to insert for people with challenging ear canals because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain better access to and control over the receiver. You’re better able to manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it into their ear canal.
Please sign our petition for Valerie.
Groups Who Support Practitioners, like Valerie
Please consider supporting them.
The Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology (ARA)
ARA promotes excellence in hearing care through the provision of rehabilitative and habilitative services. ARA provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences with the audiologic habilitative and rehabilitative components of hearing care. This organization serves as a public policy advocate for audiologic rehabilitative and habilitative services.
Its "Patient-First Approach" fosters better patient outcomes, reduced hearing aid return rate, better rapport with patients, increased referrals to friends from satisfied patients, greater patient ability to manage hearing difficulties, improved patient quality of life, and patient self-empowerment. Read more here.
American Academy of Audiologists (AAA)
"The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of, by and for audiologists. Representing the interests of approximately 14,000 audiologists nationwide, the Academy is dedicated to providing quality hearing care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance disorders." Read more here.
International Hearing Society (IHS)
The International Hearing Society represents hearing healthcare professionals worldwide. IHS members are engaged in the practice of testing human hearing and selecting, fitting and dispensing hearing instruments and counseling patients. Founded in 1951, the Society continues to recognize the need for promoting and maintaining the highest possible standards for its members in the best interests of the hearing impaired it serves. Read more here.
Grace calls for empathy!
On behalf of caregivers, Grace calls for empathy! Grace is the most common type of caregiver, a family caregiver. The other types of caregivers include professional, independent, private, informal, and volunteer.
Grace is dependable, caring for her grandmother with loving patience, compassion, and attentiveness. Gramma Rosa has age-related limitations, so Grace helps her with meal preparation, shopping, housekeeping, laundry, and with personal care – including hearing aid insertion.
All caregivers are hardworking. Grace wants the hearing aid manufacturers to empathize with caregivers and employ Gruv Button Technology™ – so it’s easier for them to help with hearing aid insertion.
Gruv Button Technology™ makes hearing aids so much easier to insert for everyone because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain better access to and control over the receiver. You’re better able to manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it into their ear canal.
Please sign our petition for Grace.
Groups Who Support Caregivers, like Grace
Please consider supporting them.
"We represent more than 6,000 nonprofit aging services providers and other mission-minded organizations that touch millions of lives every day. Alongside our members and 39 state partners, we use applied research, advocacy, education, and community-building to make America a better place to grow old. Our membership, which now includes the providers of the Visiting Nurse Associations of America, encompasses the continuum of services for people as they age, including those with disabilities. We bring together the most inventive minds in the field to lead and innovate solutions that support older adults wherever they call home. For more information visit"
Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age. CAN serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with significant health needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease. CAN (the National Family Caregivers Association) is a non-profit organization providing education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge. Read more here.
The National Alliance for Caregiving
“In advancing our mission, NAC conducts research, does policy analysis, develops national best-practice programs, and works to increase public awareness of family caregiving issues. We recognize that family caregivers provide important societal and financial contributions toward maintaining the well-being of those in their care. In addition to national research and advocacy, NAC provides technical assistance to a national network of caregiving coalitions representing nearly 30 states and localities in the United States and serves as Founder and Secretariat for the International Alliance of Carer Organizations (IACO).” Read more here.
Caring Across Generations
“Caring Across Generations is a national movement of families, caregivers, people with disabilities, and aging Americans working to transform the way we care in this country. By harnessing the power of online and grassroots organizing and culture change work, we are shifting how our nation values caregiving and calling for policy solutions that enable all of us to live well and age with dignity.” Read more here.
“The mission of Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) is to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and the people who receive their care. For over 40 years, FCA has provided services to family caregivers of adults with physical and cognitive impairments, such as Parkinson’s, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Our services include assessment, care planning, direct care skills, wellness programs, respite services, and legal/financial consultation vouchers. Ongoing support is available with FCA, also now on a digital service platform. FCA is a longtime advocate for caregivers in the areas of policy, health and social system development, research, and public awareness, on the state, national and international levels.
The services, education programs, and resources from FCA are designed with caregivers’ needs in mind and offer support, tailored information, and tools to manage the complex demands of caregiving.” Read more here.
American Caregiver Association
“The American Caregiver Association (ACA) was founded by experienced healthcare professionals that have worked in the caregiver field for more than 40 years. In taking the lead as the national accrediting body for caregivers long ago, the ACA's primary role is to educate and certify elderly caregivers for a variety of work, insurance and family situations. There is an ever-increasing need for caregivers. And, the ACA is here to meet your certification needs with our national caregiver certification course and our other great course offerings.” Read more here.
The American Association of Caregiving Youth
“The American Association of Caregiving Youth (AACY) began as a nonprofit corporation in 1998 which was founded to serve people who were homebound and caregiving families. Headquartered in Boca Raton, FL, AACY is the only organization in the U.S. dedicated solely to addressing caregiving youth issues.” Read more here.
Elizabeth Dole Foundation
“The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is the preeminent organization empowering, supporting, and honoring our nation’s military caregivers; the spouses, parents, family members and friends who care for America’s wounded, ill or injured veterans.” Read more here.
“We're making senior care better by empowering those that deliver it." Read more here.
The Judge calls for empathy!
On behalf of everyone who uses hearing aids,
The Judge calls for empathy!
On behalf of everyone, because Gruv Button Technology™
is a perfect example of Universal Design; it can be
accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size or disability.*
The Judge wants the hearing aid manufacturers to heed
the Calls for Empathy from Hank, Dirk, Hazel, Valerie,
Grace and himself.
He asks the hearing aid manufacturers, "Why wouldn't you alleviate unnecessary frustration and stress, especially during the initial adjustment period? If you are truly dedicated to delivering the best possible hearing experience, then:
1. Heed these articulated Calls for Empathy
2. License Gruv Button Technology™ from Each Ear, LLC
3. Build this technology into your speakers, and
4. Deliver the best possible hearing experience for ALL of us!"
* The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD), established by the National Disability Authority (NDA) in January 2007 under the Disability Act 2005, advocates Universal Design.
Please sign our petition for The Judge.
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All Rights Reserved
Gruv Button Technology™ is Internationally Patented