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Dear Jeff,


I now have had ample time to evaluate the Gruv Button addition to my hearing aid.  My original skepticism was unfounded.


As you know, I was having trouble “seating” the device into my ear.  Because of this I was getting irritating feedback.  Now, using my fingernail on the Gruv Button, I easily slide the device snuggly into my ear.  Rarely do I have to “re-seat” it during the day and when I do the Gruv Button does the job.


I’m very satisfied with the Gruv Button.  I could have saved a lot of irritation if I had found it earlier.


Thanks much for your help.


Ray B.

Ray’s hearing aid was retrofitted at:

Zounds Hearing of Bayside

Dear Jeff,


I want to thank you.  As I told you, I wasn’t wearing my hearing aids because I had trouble inserting them with the arthritis in my hands and was concerned about losing one or both of them.  Hearing aids are expensive!  Then I heard about “Gruv Buttons” from a friend and that your hearing aid office had them. 


I can do this!  Now I can get them in my canals really, really deeply where they should be.  And once they are in they stay put, even when I wear my hat.  Gruv Buttons are just a part of me now.  And I am now enjoying hearing well and the comfort of a well placed hearing aid.


Thank you, Gruv Buttons!


Lucy S.

Lucy’s hearing aids were retrofitted at:

Zounds Hearing of Bayside

To Whom It May Concern,


I have rather challenging ear canals (bent and narrow) and often had difficulty inserting my hearing aid speakers so they fit comfortably. Often, it itched or caused irritation in my ear canals. Because of this I wore them less often which is never the goal with hearing aids.


Jeffrey Szmanda convinced me to try the Gruv Button: a patented invention of his which makes insertion of hearing aid speakers using the fingertip very easy. As a result, I don’t have irritations anymore and now wear them all day long until I go to bed.


I am totally convinced of all the benefits one gets through this great add-on product and I recommend it to every person wearing RIC hearing aids!


Oliver F. von Borstel

President, Ethical Selling Foundation

CEO, Masters of Business Development


Oliver’s hearing aids were retrofitted in The Netherlands.



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