The Entire Industry Benefits
Gruv Button™ Retrofit

“Let’s examine how the entire hearing aid industry benefits from the award-winning Gruv Button™. I’ll start.”
All Hearing Aid Users
“Hearing aid users first. All hearing aid users benefit because Gruv Button™ is a perfect example of Universal Design; it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size or disability.
Gruv Button™ makes hearing aids so much easier (less stress and frustration) for everyone (but especially those with physical limitations, seniors, people with challenging ear canals, and caregivers) because it’s ergonomically-designed for the fingertip. It improves the manageability and effectiveness of the receiver because you gain better access to and control over the receiver. All hearing aid users are better able to manipulate the receiver and aim it in the proper direction as they insert it into their ear canal.
And sufficiently-deep insertion results in:
Optimal hearing and understanding
Hearing aids that are more secure (lessening fear of loss)
Reduced feedback, and
Hearing aids that are less noticeable (because wire closer to the head)
Why wouldn't the hearing aid manufacturers alleviate unnecessary frustration and stress, for all hearing aid users – especially during the initial adjustment period?”
“Practitioners benefit because if it’s easier for the patients, it’s easier for Practitioners to help their patients. You know, more efficient and effective service. Happier, more successful patients result in reduced returns, increased word-of-mouth success stories, and more referrals.
"I agree with The Judge; why wouldn't the hearing aid manufacturers want to alleviate unnecessary frustration and stress, for all hearing aid users – especially during the initial adjustment period?”
Hearing Aid Manufacturers
“Judge Atender, please let me field this one as well. The Manufacturers benefit because if it is easier for the patients to insert their receivers into their canals, their hearing aid users experience greater success with hearing and understanding – and enjoying a better life.
Happier, more successful patients result in better word of mouth success stories and reduced returns, an enhanced reputation for RIC-style hearing aids, and an enhanced reputation for the hearing aid industry."
“Let me say – my fellow veterans have earned the utmost respect from all of us. They have served us and they have earned it. Now, many of them share the physical limitations Dirk talks about, the senior issues Hazel talks about, and many of them share the challenging ear canals Valerie talks about.
These conditions limit the amount of time they, too, have to insert their hearing aids before they become anxious and frustrated. I want to repeat what with The Judge and Valerie have asked; why wouldn't the hearing aid manufacturers want to alleviate unnecessary frustration and stress, for all hearing aid users – especially during the initial adjustment period?”

Now let me add this: Respectfully, I urge our Veterans Administration to stipulate
Gruv Button™ in all hearing aid purchase orders. The VA is the largest single buyer of hearing aids in the world and if the VA does this, then not only will our veterans experience reduced frustration and stress during insertion, but it would become standard – and the whole world would enjoy significantly easier insertion.
Thank you for letting me weigh in, Judge Atender.”

“Thank you, Hank. And thank you, Valerie. Good job!”